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Rapid Action Profits, Secure Your Sales System


Rapid Action Profits, Online Sales System With Secure Your Downline.

Features complete affiliate management system with… affiliate center, click/sales stats, and affiliate tools. RAP is probably best known for the fact that affiliates are paid instant commissions.

RAP offers built in interface to Paypal, and your autoresponder (including auto optin capability, requiring no opt-in form for customers). It captures leads, tracks sales, conversion, and affiliate stats.

Are You An Affiliate Marketer?

Special note this for You …

This is the system that started it all. The products you see listed here in the RAPBank affiliate network are using Rapid Action Profits (RAP) as their sales management system
Talk about social proof!

Promote RAP to your list, and earn 50% of your sales (you get the full selling price on every other sale) paid direct to your Paypal account.

Visit website: http://tinyurl.com/9nwq64y

  • Publish Date: 11-07-2012 01:44:12
  • Contact name: Rapid Action
  • 5472 times displayed