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Your Country's Economy SUX!,JUST LIKE OURS, Stand up do something about it.


Your Country's Economy SUX!, JUST LIKE OURS, Stand up do something about it.

But let me warn you:
this website tells the truth. No pulled punches, no “spin” jockeys, no
half-truths. What you are going to HEAR is what you need to know
about regaining control in your life.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs are lost due to outsourcing these jobs to
foreign workers.


Our great national economy is definitely not what is used to be. Major
contributors of this are Inflated stocks, corporate greed and scandal, and US
job outsourcing.


How these people are put into office, I have no idea. Recently it
seems every few days another politician gets caught in some scandal or another.

Why do we say Who

Because the bottom line is you only need to be concerned about
YOUR own economy. What can you do about any of those things

Visit my site Click here for more info.

or here=> http://www.yourowneconomy.com/tpokoati

  • Publish Date: 02-27-2014 17:10:22
  • Contact name: Tui
  • Place: My Computer
  • 4881 times displayed